Education and Advocacy for American Indians
The main purpose of the Triangle Native American Society is to provide educational, social, and cultural programs to Native youth, but we also strive to provide Education to non-Natives about Native Americans and to advocate for Native Americans in our service area.
Why It Matters
The work that we’re doing matters and is impactful because one of the core values of most Indigenous people is to take care of our community. Being part of a population that is so small (~1% of the US population) gives us an immense sense of responsibility to our tribal nations and communities to help bring everyone up. Building supportive communities are the direct impact of our work.
What We Are Doing
We are doing all sorts of things on the Education and Advocacy front. We volunteer lots of time advocating for our community members on various boards and committees around the state; see more information about exactly what those are on the Boards and Committees page. We’re actively participating in the NC Museum of History’s American Indian Heritage Celebration Advisory Board, which is a great source of education about American Indians in NC. And we host an educational event to kick off American Indian Heritage Month Annually. We also obtain grant funding to fund the various Programs and Services that we offer our community.
How You Can Help
There are several ways that you could help us do the good work that we’re doing for our communities:
Get involved by signing up to receive updates about our communities and events
Follow us on Facebook and subscribe to our YouTube channel
Join the conversation in our Facebook group
Access the resource links below and browse around the site to learn more about our organization and Indians in NC
One of the easiest things that you can do to help is get educated and help us to eliminate the negative stereotypes that are still socially acceptable today. A great first step is to learn more about American Indian Heritage Month by clicking the button below!