Join Our Community Today!
Purpose and Vision for Membership
Our community is comprised of American Indians residing in the Triangle area to have come together to make our voices heard, to educate others about American Indians, and to preserve our cultural practices.
After you taken some time to learn about our Programs and Services and to learn about Our Community we hope that you will join our organization as a member!
Benefits of Membership
As a member of the Triangle Native American Society, you will…
Have your voice heard as an American Indian living in the Triangle area in all of the boards and committees that we serve in and help shape the future for American Indians in the state of North Carolina,
Have access to the our community network, meetings, events, and opportunities for American Indians in the Triangle,
Be invited to attend the Annual Meeting for the organization, nominate board members, and be eligible to serve on the Board of Directors and on our boards and committees.
Types of Membership
There are two different categories of membership: TNAS Members or Friends of TNAS
TNAS Members are:
To be a member of TNAS, you must be enrolled in a state or federally recognized tribe and live inside the five-county area.
Friends of TNAS are:
Those who do not meet the membership requirements but would like to be affiliated with TNAS may request to be Friends of TNAS based on applications approved by the Board. They shall receive notices appropriate for the general public.
Fees for Membership
Currently there are no fees required for becoming a member of our community, and there are no annual membership dues. We are a volunteer organization that is fully funded by individual contributions and grants, so if you’d like to make a voluntary financial contribution to help further our work, please do so; it is not required for membership. Just complete and send in the application form and that’s it!
Apply Today!
Click the button below to apply online, or you can download the application file and send us your completed application to us by mail to:
PO Box 26841
Raleigh, NC 27611
or you can email the application to contact@trianglenative.org.
Your application will be reviewed by our Membership Committee and we will notify you regarding the status of your membership within 60 days of receiving the application. If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out at the email address above.